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Be Love Virtual Event Series
Church of the Holy City, Wilmington granted admission to National Fund for Sacred Places program
Helen Keller Spiritual Life Collaborative
Latest Updates about Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
Suicide Prevention Support During The Holidays
New Social Justice Committee logo
NCC Calls the Nation to Week of Prayer, Hosts Virtual Service on Nov. 1
Latest Updates from Spiritual Sunshine
- There’s a lot of news lately about government disclosures of alien aircraft, or at least, what they are now calling unidentified aerial phenomena (UAPs). The US and others have started to share information about these […]
- It can often feel like we’re hitting our heads against a wall when it comes to our spiritual growth. We strive to invite more of God’s light into our lives and yet it can seem […]
- It’s surprising to see how many times it says that people in Jesus’ community sought to “unalive” him (the new, TikTok-friendly term for murder). This was typically because Christ would speak about his perceived oneness […]
Latest Updates from Our Daily Bread
- Posted on In this piece, the late Swedenborgian scholar and theologian Rev. George F. Dole explores the biblical epic ofContinue reading“Divine Lockout” – Rev. George F. Dole
- “But I say to you who are listening: Love your enemies; do good to those who hate you; bless those whoContinue readingLove Your Enemy: Breaking the Cycle of Dehumanization -Rev. Shada Sullivan
- January 29 marked the 330th anniversary of Emanuel Swedenborg’s birth (going by the Julian calendar anyway). In my particular denomination of Swedenborgianism,Continue readingHappy Birthday to a Man of Many Faults -Rev. Coleman Glenn

The Messenger
Our monthly newsletter for the denomination. News, articles, reflections, and events happening in the Swedenborgian community at large.