A Welcoming Community of Seekers Exploring the Teachings of Emanuel Swedenborg
Featured Community: Exploring New Earth (Wayfarers Chapel)
Wayfarers Chapel and the Swedenborgian Church of North America have collaborated together in launching a new spiritual offering in the creation of an online spiritual community. We will be launching this in late January as a way to assist as large an audience as possible in their spiritual journey through life.
The title of this online community is an exploration into the deeper spiritual states of consciousness that has been a prophecy of both the Old and New Testaments in the Bible. Each week will have a theme and some readings to explore to find their spiritual meaning in our lives presently. There will be time to share in conversations and to ask questions and to also give our lived experience regarding how God and life have been at work in our life.
Details: Meetings will be held via Zoom from 11:30am – 12:30pm PST on Sundays and in person at St. Francis Chapel located at 2200 Via Rosa in Palos Verdes Estates. If you are interested, please add your email and we will keep you updated as the launch gets closer.

Join the King of France in Supporting Our Church
Dear Friends and Members of the Swedenborgian Church of North America,
Few know Swedenborg received a secret pension from Louis XV for 25 years up to the conclusion of his publications—paid directly from the French king’s personal diplomatic fund. The Swedish scholar and diplomat, Lars Bergquist, who served as Swedish ambassador to the People’s Republic of China and to the Holy See (the Vatican), penned a major work, Swedenborg’s Secret: A Biography, in which he digs out the evidence discovered by his Swedish countryman, Franz Lindh, a member of the New Church in Sweden. Lindh in the 1910s and 1920s scrutinized Swedenborg’s financial records still retrievable in Stockholm.
He published evidence of an enormous sum of money from France providing primary means for Swedenborg to afford expenses required for high quality volume after volume after volume in his unfolding theological revelations for a New Church. The costs far exceeded Swedenborg’s earnings or modest inheritance. The deposits over time represent a 50 times greater amount than his half-pension produced. Why was the revelator receiving so much money from the French king? That’s another story worth exploring, but we can say with merit the King of France made the writings of our church possible.
Let us appreciate today all our stories of funders and givers. We are all needed to make the Swedenborgian movement possible and powerful. A quarter millennium after those original books we are still making Swedenborgian spiritual concepts come alive and real through ministries. Some exciting new outreach projects are in the making right now, and they need our emotional, spiritual, and tangible support. Even small gifts register largely in the wholistic life of our movement, so please consider joining with the King of France in generating new outreach endeavors of our spiritual heritage. Let’s keep enlightening minds, touching hearts, and inspiring souls together.
Thank you,
Rev. Dr. Jim Lawrence, President of the Swedenborgian Church of North America
“Every love has a purpose. All wisdom moves toward fulfilling that purpose…”
-Emanuel Swedenborg (True Christianity 47)
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Church of the Holy City, Wilmington granted admission to National Fund for Sacred Places program
Helen Keller Spiritual Life Collaborative
A SoCal Kind of Pacific Coast Association Meeting
The Spirituality of Place
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