Sermons & Reflections: Our Daily Bread, also known as Our Daily Bread, is an initiative of the Swedenborgian Church of North America that provides a broad array of Swedenborgian sermons, reflections, and original content. This forum for Swedenborgian thought offers insight into the life of the Swedenborgian Church, also known as the General Convention of the New Jerusalem, the oldest American “New Church” denomination.
Our Daily Bread is maintained by Rev. Thom Muller (managing editor).
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- January 29 marked the 330th anniversary of Emanuel Swedenborg’s birth (going by the Julian calendar anyway). In my particular denomination of Swedenborgianism,Continue readingHappy Birthday to a Man of Many Faults -Rev. Coleman Glenn
- Rev. Kit Billings “By ‘gold, frankincense, and myrrh’ are signified all things of the good of love and of faithContinue readingWhat Made The Magi Truly Wise?
- Rev. Hugh Odhner In this sermon, the Rev. Hugh Odhner discusses some ways in which an exploration of the innerContinue readingA Message for the New Year

Meet Rev. Thom Muller
Rev. Thom Muller is the pastor of Hillside Community Church, an Urban Sanctuary in El Cerrito, California. He also serves as managing editor of Our Daily Bread at and Assistant Night Minister at the San Francisco Night Ministry. His passions include interfaith spirituality, civil rights work, comparative mysticism, and the western esoteric tradition.