Educational Resources
Need help writing a sermon? Looking for an activity to do during Sunday School? Here you will find many resources to help!
New Church Vineyard–offers Bible stories, Sunday School lessons, videos and many other resources
Dole Notes–This six-volume set contains a multi-level course of Bible study from a uniquely Swedenborgian viewpoint
Sermons, Books, Commentary, etc.
Bayside Church–Collection of sermons, commentary, and scanned books from various Swedenborgians
Swedenborg Study–Collection of books, articles, sermons, etc. from various Swedenborgians
Swedenborg Digital Library–Collection of books about Swedenborg
The Online Books Page–Collection of books related to Swedenborg or the church
Internet–Digital copy of a book of English printers ornaments
New Church Music-Digital version of a General Church book of worship
Swedenborg Foundation–Digital access to books with Bible Study Notes
Bible Meanings–Bible books paired with relevant passages from Swedenborg’s writings
Kempton Project–Reverse Bible passage search
New Christian Bible Study–Search by word or phrase, includes commentary on Swedenborg written by others
E Swedenborg–Search by title and section number
The Heavenly–Search by word or phrase
Art, Life, Science, & Influence
Swedenborg Project-List of folks believed to be influenced by Swedenborg’s writings
Theistic Psychology-Overview of Theistic Psychology by Leon James
Theistic Science-Overview of Theistic Science by Ian Thompson
General Overview
New World Encyclopedia-Well written and sourced overview of who Swedenborg was
New Outlook-Well written description of Swedenborg