By Sage Cole
The Helen Keller Spiritual Life Collaborative (HKSLC) is getting ready to incorporate as a unique constituent body of the Swedenborgian Church of North America. The seed planted in 2018 at the Cambridge Swedenborg Chapel has sprouted!
What a journey to get to this moment, and what a journey ahead.
Originally conceived as a physical center, the vision has shifted to a virtual Collaborative. We have not relinquished the intention to one day rehabilitate a sacred space (or several) to house this initiative, but for now we are excited to grow in the fertile soil of the internet where roofs do not leak, and anyone can join in from anywhere!
We remain deeply committed to carrying forward the spiritual legacy of Helen Keller, which we understand as fostering connections of love, understanding, and usefulness within our human family. While traditional congregational structures and Sunday worship forms are one way to foster these connections, the Helen Keller Spiritual Life Collaborative is committed to considering that of course there are many ways to live a life of worship. We are committed to fostering loving, honest, and useful conversations that will bring these many ways to light and birth new collaborations.
We invite congregations and individuals to take part in this initiative. The only way to become a Collaborative is to collaborate! Consider taking part in some of our upcoming events and gatherings or inviting Rev. Sage to come speak to and with your community to consider how we may be mutually supportive of one another and what God is doing! Rev. Sage has already been on Facebook Live with the Rainbow Church Sunday, October 27, November 2 on Zoom for the Home Church in Bryn Athyn’s Saturday Brunch, and then she was in-person with the Wayfarers’ Community and the Garden Church on November 17. Consider joining in and contributing to any of the upcoming gatherings and events!
Our weekly drop in Be Love, Be Honest, Be Useful Zoom Gatherings are Thursdays at 7:00 PM Eastern.
Be Love Holy Supper and Be Honest Remembering your Baptism Zoom Gatherings occur on the new and full moon respectively (see or our Be Love, Be Honest, Be Useful Facebook Group for dates and times).
On March 3, 2025, in collaboration with one of our major HKSLC supporters Dr. Rosemarie Garland-Thompsen and the Harvard Chaplains, we are planning our first major HKSLC event in honor of the day Helen celebrated as her Spiritual Birthday (when she met her teacher Annie Sullivan). This event will be fully accessible virtually so we hope many of you will wish to organize satellite watch parties and celebrations.
I’m so pleased to be bringing Be Love, Be Honest, Be Useful to the Michigan Association’s All Adult Retreat at Almont New Church Assembly March 28–30, 2025.
There are a lot of moving parts as we formalize this endeavor. Pray for us! Be patient with us! Get curious about us! And better yet—collaborate with us!
Read the full issue of the November/December 2024 Messenger

Meet Sage Cole
Rev. Sage Cole is the founding minister of the Helen Keller Spiritual Life Collaborative. She currently resides in Massachusetts with her family.