Written by Kurt Fekete
SPLATz (Super-Powered, Lovable, Almost, Teenz) Ages 10–13
As Covid restrictions begin to ease up and people slowly and cautiously begin to gather together in-person once again, it’s time to start to consider beginning our pre-teen retreats for ages 10–13. This age group, called SPLATz (Super-Powered Lovable Almost Teens), hasn’t met in-person for a retreat since October 2019! Many of the youth from that retreat have aged out of Splatz and into our teen program, the SCYL (Swedenborgian Church Youth League). I’ve kept up with some of the children who have grown into the SPLATz group but it is impossible for me to keep track of all of these children in our church family. So, it’s important and necessary for me to try to locate where our pre-teen youth might be to see if we have enough kids, staff, and interest to hold a retreat in your area. Here, I ask for help. If you know of any youth in this 10–13 year old range—whether they are your children, grandchildren, or church family friends—please send me an email at kfekete@hotmail.com or by phone at 802.345.0169 to let me know. I love to plan and staff Splatz retreats, and I have a travel budget that allows me to help host these events. I am praying that our pandemic crisis continues to improve, and I am hopeful that we can find enough youth for our SPLATz to be able to gather again soon. Thanks for your help!
Read the full issue of the April 2022 Messenger

Meet Kurt Fekete
Kurt Fekete has been the Youth Director of the Swedenborgian Church of North America for over 20 years. He also serves as vice president of the denomination.