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Messenger Articles

Creation Care

Four-Part Webinar for the Month of May Tuesdays in May: 7, 14, 21, and 285:00 – 6:30 PM PT / 8:00 – 9:30 PM ET In this four-part free webinar offered by the Center for Swedenborgian Studies (CSS), we explore how Genesis and other sacred creation stories can inform contemporary environmental ethics. The Swedenborgian tradition

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How Do We Grow?

Editor’s Corner Last summer at one of our family camps, I attended a discussion group about where the church is going. I have to say, I had never attended a discussion group before. They are typically at a time where my camp responsibilities made it difficult to attend. But this one was added on at

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Lucky Number Thirteen

Editor’s Corner Thirteen years ago this past February, I became mom. Miss Serena couldn’t wait to get here, so she came eight weeks early at an itty-bitty four pounds and six ounces. With my medical conditions, this was not a surprise. She stayed in the NICU for three and a half weeks and she was

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Faith Acronyms

By Sue Fabian I recall a story about a man who had only one line to remember in a play. Upon hearing the boom of the cannon, he was to say, “Hark, I hear the roar of cannons yonder!” When the cannon boomed, he turned in fright and heart-thumpingly blurted, “What the hell was that?!”

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