News & Announcements

2021 SCYL Winter Retreat Canceled

It with deep sorrow and regret that I must cancel the 2021 SCYL Winter Retreat. With soaring COVID infection rates too many volunteer adult staff members did not feel safe to attend. They did not want to risk bringing COVID home to their family, friends, and co-workers. And I do not feel safe exposing you and your loved ones to COVID. Hosting a longer term, multiple overnight in person event is just not safe at this time. Even teens and parents have recently contacted me letting me know that their household is in quarantine and they cannot attend the retreat. This weighs heavily on my heart –  I miss you all so very much. However, I was hired 20 years ago to help keep you emotionally, spiritually, and physically safe and that remains my number one priority. I will continue to work with you and care for you virtually at a distance until we can gather together again. I remain dedicated to our community and our mission of love in action.

We will be hosting a virtual SCYL retreat event to hold consensus 2022 elections and games with Josh! Stay tuned for more information on that as we work out the details. I wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and I’m looking forward to seeing you in the virtual world over the holiday break. Take care and stay safe. I hold you all in my heart and in my prayers.

Kurt Fekete, Youth Director