News & Announcements

Honoring the Journey of Wayfarers Chapel

Hybrid Event Free to All on Saturday 6/29/24 at 12:00pm ET/11:00am CT/10:00am MT/ 9:00am PT in Room 134 in the Brody Commons for in-person Convention attendees, on Zoom Events for virtual Convention Attendees and on YouTube for everyone else.

Many of us cherish profound and lifelong memories of the sacred space we call Wayfarers’ Chapel.  She has stood for over 70 years as a beacon of hope and inspiration above Portuguese Bend on the Pacific Ocean, inviting the Wayfarer to pause a moment and experience the Divine presence in nature and memorializing Emanuel Swedenborg. Her journey started with a dream of two women that did not give up hope when WWII came and brought a standstill to fundraising and progression. Finally in 1951 Swedenborgians and neighbors joined hands to open the doors of the chapel designed by Frank Lloyd Wright, Jr.

Her future is uncertain, but the Journey of Wayfarers’ Chapel is not over.  Let us gather at Convention 24 to honor and remember the gifts we have received from this sacred space. Attendees who have registered can join us in-person or on Zoom events. This program is also available free to everyone on our YouTube channel.