200th Convention at the Kellogg Conference Center in East Lansing, Michigan
Friday, June 28 – Tuesday, July 2, 2024
Registration will be open from April 15 – May 15 on swedenborg.org

Friends, and colleagues of the Swedenborgian Church, we are eagerly preparing for a historic 200th annual convention at Michigan State University that will be robustly available in hybrid format again. Our theme at our 200th anniversary mark is “Swedenborg: Envisioning the Future,” and we are finalizing our keynote speaker arrangements to emphasize the trends in our world around spirituality that unite with the uniquely forward-looking vision of the Swedenborgian movement. Stay tuned for unfolding details!
We are planning both a wonderful in-person setting at the deluxe conference center while also supporting virtual participation. We are excited to be upgrading from our long tradition of being in college dormitories to the attractive setting of the superb Kellogg Conference Center adjacent to the university. This choice setting provides inviting meeting spaces and comfortable lodging accommodations, and our convention will utilize a mix of both Hotel and University facilities. At the same time, we are continuing to upgrade our expert technology support so people can also attend our business meetings and popular Mini Courses from the virtual comforts of home. Last year, this inclusive approach to our annual convention led to our biggest participation numbers in quite some time, and we are committed to making the in-person experience rich and the virtual experience easy. In addition to the program of activities, educational events, business sessions, and worship and ordination services, the Michigan Association is hosting an outing aboard the riverboat Michigan Princess, and our convention will conclude with a fun banquet Monday evening with special presentations.
Read the full issue of the April 2024 Messenger

Meet Jim Lawrence
Rev. Dr. Jim Lawrence is the president of the Swedenborgian Church of North America. He was the dean of the Center for Swedenborgian Studies for 21 years prior to being elected President in 2022.