Four-Part Webinar for the Month of May
Tuesdays in May: 7, 14, 21, and 28
5:00 – 6:30 PM PT / 8:00 – 9:30 PM ET

In this four-part free webinar offered by the Center for Swedenborgian Studies (CSS), we explore how Genesis and other sacred creation stories can inform contemporary environmental ethics. The Swedenborgian tradition has often singularly interpreted Genesis as an elaborate allegory for our own spiritual development, or regeneration. Yet how might Genesis also contain profound wisdom for guiding our broader relationship with the planet, and with other species? Swedenborgian concepts will be situated into dialogue with recent work from different eco-theologians (such as Sallie McFague and Catherine Keller), as we aim to explore what it means to (re)read Genesis in our own era of mass extinctions, or un-creation. Free, but pre-registration is required; please contact the CSS assistant Paola Pruett-Vergara to reserve a place:
The webinars will take place on four Tuesday evenings in the month of May and will last for approximately an hour and a half.
Read the full issue of the April 2024 Messenger

Meet Devin Zuber
Instructor: Rev. Dr. Devin Zuber teaches at the Center for Swedenborgian Studies (CSS) in Berkeley, California, where he holds the George F. Dole Professorship chair in Swedenborgian Studies. He has lectured and published widely on how Swedenborg influenced the history of American environmental thought. An ordained minister (2023) in the Swedenborgian Church of North America, when he’s not reading or gardening, Rev. Zuber enjoys spending time on the California coast with his family (partner Suzanne, their two girls, and a floofy Goldendoodle named Louie).