There are several new things happening this year as we prepare for the 200th Convention, and I wanted to take this opportunity to explain one of the biggest changes we have, which is the accommodations. Please note, that the following information is for regular Convention attendees, and may not apply for Ministers, Licensed Pastors, and General Council.
This year we have a limited number of rooms blocked out in the Kellogg Hotel and Conference Center (https://kelloggcenter.com/) for the price of $135/night plus taxes and fees for a standard room (King, Queen, or Double). This is where the majority (if not all) of COM members, GC, and LPs will be staying. This is also conveniently the location of where much of our programming will be held. Everyone will need to register first, regardless where you are staying. After you register you will receive the discount code to make your reservation at the hotel. You will be responsible for booking the room and for making arrangements with anyone you wish to share a room with. While everyone needs to register, only one person needs to book a room. The cost of the room is the same if there are one or two people in it, and there is a minimal fee for having a third or fourth person in the room. If you stay in the hotel you will be responsible for paying for your own meals at the cafeteria, at a cost of $9 for breakfast, $13 for lunch, and $13 for dinner (plus tax).
To put things in perspective, splitting a double hotel room and paying for your food out of pocket should cost you approximately the same amount as it cost for a double dorm room at Bridgewater State University in 2023. You are welcome to skip a meal or have up to four people in a room, which means it may cost less for some of our attendees than last year, while enjoying the comfort of a hotel.
In addition to this, you will have the opportunity, like previous years, to choose a double or single dorm room, with food cost included. These dorms are very basic and consist of rooms on a hallway with a shared bathroom. The cost for these rooms reflects how basic they are, with four night room and board packages priced at $235 for a double room and $345 for a single room. A/C window units will be placed in the rooms for your comfort.
Finally, we are very pleased to announce that teens aged 13–18 can stay in a double in the dorm at no cost! Thanks to the generosity of our Churches, Associations, and previous Convention attendees and their donations, we are able to offer free room and board in the dorm for any teen who wishes to stay with our SCYL only group.
The denomination will also be covering the full cost of meals for any youth (ages 0–18) who are staying in the hotel with their parents.
Do not wait to register. We have a limited number of rooms blocked out at the hotel and they may run out.
Read the full issue of the April 2024 Messenger