Youth Retreats

SCYL Retreats

The Swedenborgian Church Youth League (SCYL) holds retreats three times a year when possible. Two retreats are held in Michigan, one over Winter Break and Memorial Day weekend, and the third is held in Massachusetts over the Indigenous Peoples Day weekend.

SPLATz Retreats

SPLATz (Super-Powered Lovable Almost Teens) offers programming for pre-teens, aged 10-13.  Many events are SPLATz+ (age 10-15).

The Super Powered Lovable Almost Teens and younger Swedenborgian Church Youth Leaguers (SPLATz+) are excited to host a Boston retreat! All youth ages 10 – 15 are invited.

At retreats, tweens and teens have free time for games, music, recreation, or just hanging out and talking. A few times a day, they also meet for hour-long sessions with an adult leader or minister. At these sessions we talk about spiritual topics and discuss important life choices, values, and decisions. Sometimes we do crafts or projects related to the topic of discussion.

  • group of teens at a camp

The Youth Retreats are all about loving and understanding one another without the fear of judgement or condemnation. We hope that you will join us and see for yourself what the SCYL and SPLATz are all about!

Contact Kurt Fekete at questions. We also invite you to visit our Clear Blue Sky Facebook Page.

A Few Testimonials About Their Experience

“Thank you for everything. I can’t even put how much it means to me in words. You have taught me a lot and I have a lot more respect for you. This was one of the greatest memories I will have in my own walk. Thank you all for being so open minded and accepting me for me. Thank you.”


“The Youth League has taught me how to live my life as a more thoughtful, considerate, mature, genuine, insightful, spiritual person. And for that I am eternally grateful. Thank you for creating a haven for me during the most crucial, significant, confusing years of my life. Nothing, absolutely nothing, has brought me more bliss than these retreats.”


“I think everything is fantastic! The people are so kind and welcoming. The food is great and I had a great time!”


“This place gave me hope when I didn’t feel hope at home. It showed me different sides of the spectrum and more. I owe my depth to the SCYL.”


“The atmosphere is miraculous.”


“[The sessions] were wonderful.”


“I love how everyone is so loving, caring and welcoming.”


“I don’t want it to end.”
