Youth Groups
Youth Group for teens (ages 13-18)
The Swedenborgian Church Youth League (SCYL) is a group for teens, aged 13-18, organized and funded by the Swedenborgian Church. The SCYL is an open, affirming, and inviting group for youth of all faiths and religious traditions. This includes teens that do not believe in God or have any religious background or affiliation. At the SCYL we respect one another and honor each other’s individuality and the spiritual path one chooses to follow. We do not force youth to change their beliefs. Nor do we demand any agreement or attempt to “convert” youth to our religion.
Teens in the SCYL are invited to gather for retreats throughout the year with caring ministers and adult leaders. At retreats, teens learn together, develop friendships, and discover their true inner self and what they believe in a safe, secure, and supportive environment.
Youth Group for pre-teens (ages 10-13)
SPLATz (Super-Powered Lovable Almost Teens) offers programming for pre-teens, aged 10-13. Just like the SCYL, it is open and inviting to youth of all faiths and religious traditions, even those that do not believe in God or have any religious background or affiliation themselves. Retreats are held for tweens in SPLATz as well.
Clear Blue Sky
Clear Blue Sky is the social media account for all those interested in the SCYL and SPLATz. The account contains news, quotes, artwork, opinions, poems, stories, etc. from and/or about the youth in the SCYL. The pages are edited and maintained by a teen member of the group that is elected annually by the youth in the SCYL.

For more information about SCYL, SPLATz, or retreats, please contact Kurt Fekete, the Youth Director for both the SCYL and SPLATz.