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Messenger Articles

Accepting the Call: Translating True Christian Religion for Korean Swedenborgians

Written by Junchol Lee Translating Swedenborg’s True Christian Religion into Korean has been a personal, but important, journey for me—twenty-seven years in the making. Though I didn’t set pen to proverbial paper until 2019, the project actually began in 1994 when I took my very first Latin class at Bryn Athyn College. At the time,

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Teen Storage

Written by BJ Neuenfeldt and Ivy Little What an odd name! Very hard to store your typical teen… so how did this name evolve? Detroit Storage EvolutionIn the early 70s, the Church of the Holy City in Detroit decided to sell their church building. The intent was to purchase a new location with the proceeds

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The Little Church That Could

Written by Carla Friedrich The New Church of the Southwest Desert (NCSWD) often refers to itself as “the little church that could.” NCSWD has faced many challenges over the years, perhaps not so different than other churches that: began without a minister, had dwindling congregations through attrition, single-digit plate offerings for weeks on end, untimely

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“What Does the Lord Require of You?” From the Social Justice Committee

Written by Amanda Adams Riley I purchased my first clerical collar for one reason, and one reason only, to wear it when I went to lobby. Presbyterians don’t often wear clerical collars, just black Geneva gowns, and only during worship, if then. Growing up in the Presbyterian Church, there was never a question in my

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Teens Find Their Foundations at Cedar Hill Retreat Center

Written by Kurt Fekete Ten teenagers from Michigan, Ohio, Indiana, New Jersey, Massachusetts, and Maine, along with one virtual teen from Quebec, Canada, attended the Swedenborgian Church Youth League (SCYL) fall retreat at Cedar Hill Retreat Center in South Duxbury, Massachusetts. This was our first in-person SCYL retreat since December 2019. Seven of the teens

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