The SCNA exists to help people be open to the Lord’s presence and guidance by supporting ordained ministries and fostering personal connections with the Lord. We are an open-minded, forward-looking Christian church drawing its faith from the Bible as illuminated by the teachings of Emanuel Swedenborg (1688-1772).

If you have serious questions about traditional Christian theology, yet wish to explore the deeper aspects of the Bible and the Christian faith, we may be what you are looking for. We worship a God of unconditional love, whose warmth and light can deepen your inner life and give direction to your spiritual journey.
We invite you to explore and learn more about our church and its ministries. And may God bless you on your spiritual journey!
Leadership & Organization

The SCNA is governed by an elected body of officials. Officers are democratically elected by delegate members at our annual convention. Each ministry is its own independent organization and we do not decide how each ministry is run or which delegates are chosen for elections. The Ministers and Pastors of the various church bodies that make up the General Convention are ordained by us.